Sunday, November 3, 2019

Amazing Uses of Salt

1) Let Copper Items Shine Like New
salt, tips, uses
To keep your copper kettles and the like sparkling, mix some salt with vinegar and flour (and some optional lemon juice) and rub the surface of the item. 
2)  Keep Oil from Spitting Out
salt, tips, uses
Once you've heated up your cooking oil, add a little salt. By doing so, you will limit the amount of splashing and splattering, once you've added your fish or meat to the pan.
3)  Make Candles Non-Drip
salt, tips, uses
Did you know that you can actually prevent candle wax from dripping? Salt can really help you do so. Simply soak your candle in a concentrated salt solution overnight. Then, once the candle has thoroughly dried out, light it. Easy.
4) Keep Ants Away
salt, tips, uses
To keep ants from infesting your house and garden, make a 1:4 ratio salt solution and pour it into a spray bottle. Spray where you like to prevent them from ever wanting to come back again. 

5) Keep Sliced Fruit and Veg from Browning
salt, tips, uses
To keep any chopped fruit or veg from turning brown, simply place them in a bowl or pan filled with salt water.
6)  Rid Your Hands of Onion Smell
salt, tips, uses
It may seem that you can never get the strong smell of garlic and onions from your hands, after chopping and handling them, but it's actually no trouble at all, if only you know what to do. First, you need to wet your hands with water, then give them a thorough rubbing over with table salt. Now rinse. Done.
7)  Produce a Natural Home-Made Air Freshener
salt, tips, uses
Whether you use some orange peel or a normal bowl, to make air freshener all you need is 1/2 to 1 cup of salt mixed with 20 or 30 drops of your chosen essential oil (or use rose petals). Now you can have a naturally wonderful smelling room.
8) Put Kitchen Fires Out Properly
salt, tips, uses
If you are cooking a particularly greasy meal, you really want to keep a large container of salt nearby. Grease fires can easily get out of control, but, luckily, all you need to do is pour salt onto the flames to starve them of oxygen and put them out instantly.

9) Maintain a Clean Sink
salt, tips, uses
Make a paste with lemon juice and salt and use it to wipe your sink with. Chemical cleaners can cost a lot of money, and they don't do nearly as good a job of cleaning stainless steel sinks as this hot tip does.
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