Saturday, November 3, 2012



seedless dates 500 gm or 1/2 kg
coconut grated  5 tbsp
cottage cheese/ paneer  2 cups
powdered sugar  10 tsp
malai/cream  2 tbsp
cardamom pdr  11/2 tsp


heat cream in a heavy vessel.
cut dates into small pieces & add it to the cream stirring & mashing it until you get a thick pulp.
add coconut & mix well.
allow the pulp to thicken & cool.
mix the sugar with paneer until it is light & fluffy.
make small balls of the paneer mixture & keep it aside.
take a portion of the date mixture, flatten it in your palms, put a paneer balls in the centre, cover with date mixture, give it a round shape.
roll each ball in dry dessicated pdr.
keep these ladoos in the fridge for 2-3 hours before serving.

ps- as the paneer mixture isn't cooked, you'll have to store it in the fridge only.

or, you may omit paneer mixture, just cook dates, coconut, add little sugar, nuts, make ladoos, as then this will last for a longer time outside without refrigeration, as everything is cooked well. This is what I intend doing for Diwali, if all goes well, without paneer mixture.

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