Thursday, August 31, 2023

From Grime to Tarnish, these Natural Cleaning Solutions Actually Work 2

Essential oils
Essential oil
Consisting of the extraction of plants, some essential oils can kill bacteria and mold. As they tend to be very strong, you need not go overboard either. In fact, some oils like peppermint are so potent, that one drop of oil is equivalent to 30 cups of peppermint tea.
Combs and brushes: Soak combs and brushes in an essential oil blend for about 20 minutes, by filling a container with 1 1/2 cups water, 1/2 cup distilled white vinegar and 20 drops tea-tree, lavender or eucalyptus oil. 
Scuffed floors: Just apply two to four drops of tea-tree oil to the spots, wiping any excess oil with a cloth and rubbing it in distilled white vinegar. 
Standard toothpaste (paste not gel, free from tartar control and whitening), combined with a mild detergent and an antibacterial agent make a potent stain-fighter.
Tarnished silverware: Add a dab of toothpaste on a soft cloth and rub it onto the tarnish, then rinse with water and dry with a clean cloth.

Cooking oils
 Olive oil
Vegetable and plant based oils are great cleaning alternatives, particularly olive and sunflower oil which may be used to dislodge dirt, diminish scratches and imperfections as well as hydrate wood that has aged or dried out from exposure to the sun. 
Cast iron pans: Use vegetable oils to make a scrubbing paste by combing them with a teaspoon of coarse salt. This easy blend may be used to combat cooked-on debris, which can then be rinsed off with hot water. 
Leather shoes: First, wipe away any dirt with a damp cloth, then add a drop of vegetable oil to a soft cloth, rubbing the surface to remove scuff marks. Make your shoes shine by buffing them with a chamois cloth. 
Borax can be used alongside your detergents, making your load cleaner. As it is rather alkaline, borax may also be used to kill mold and fungus.

Pots and pans: Borax may be rubbed into cookware with a damp sponge, then rinsed well. 
Toilet: Just pour borax in the bowl, letting it sit overnight. In the morning, swish the bowl a few times with a toilet brush and flush.  

Baking and washing soda
Baking Soda
Also known as sodium bicarbonate and sodium carbonate, absorbs odors. Word of caution: when handling washing soda, wear rubber gloves.
Garage floors (and other concrete surfaces): Pour washing soda on top of oily and greasy spots, sprinkling with water until a paste forms. Let it stand overnight, then the next day scrub with a damp brush, hose it down and wipe clean. 
Grills and barbecue utensils: Tough grease stains may be removed by dipping a moist stiff-bristled brush in washing soda, and scrubbing away. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and health tips for info on knee replacement

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