Saturday, November 19, 2022

Nutella and Cinnamon French Toast Roll Ups

Nutella and Cinnamon French Toast Roll Ups 


Ingredients :
Sandwich bread - 8 slices (white or wheat bread) 
Eggs - 2 medium 
Milk - 1/4 cup 
Nutella - 4 tbsp. 
Powdered sugar - 2 tbsp. plus 3 tbsp. 
Unsalted butter - 2 tbsp. 
Cinnamon - 1 tsp.

Method of preparing the Roll Ups
1)Trim the crusts off each slice of bread. Then flatten each slice using a rolling pin. 
2) Spread Nutella on each slice of bread. Place the bread in the freezer for just 1 minute to thicken up the spread and prevent it from leaking out, then roll up the bread. 
3) In a large bowl, combine the milk, eggs, and 2 tbsp of sugar, whisking until a slightly frothy batter forms. Set aside. 
4) In a shallow dish, combine the remaining 3 tbsp sugar and cinnamon. Set aside. 
5) Heat the butter in a large skillet on medium heat. When the butter is melted but not smoking, dip each bread roll-up in egg batter. Then transfer to the skillet and cook the french toast until golden, turning regularly - about 2 minutes. 
6) Transfer the french toast to the bowl with the sugar and cinnamon mixture and roll it around as needed until it is evenly coated. 
7) Repeat the same steps until all the roll-ups are cooked and coated in sugar and cinnamon. 
8) Serve warm. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and health tips for info on knee replacement

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