Saturday, August 31, 2019

2 Methods for Preserving Corn for Later Enjoyment

Corn is such a wonderful staple, and particularly in summer. Yet sometimes my eyes are a bit greedy and I buy too much, so that I often find myself seeing old cobs of corn go bad. It’s such a terrible waste. So these 2 methods for keeping corn are going to save me and you a packet. One method will show you how to keep corn well for the next day, the other will show you how you can store corn for an incredible 6 months. Watch this very useful video so that you too can learn how to preserve corn all the way to winter!

Method 1: To eat the following day  1. Take a wet paper bag, into which place your corn (including the husk).
2. Get a plastic zip-top bag and pop the wet paper bag of corn inside.
3. Now slide into the fridge before eating within the next 24 hours.

corn preservation

Method 2: To eat after many days, weeks or months. 1. Boil up a pan of water. Put the corn cob(s) in the water and blanch it for 5 minutes.
2. Drain the corn, and straight away put it into an ice bath in order to stop it from becoming cooked.
3. Take a clean dish towel, and put your corn on top of it in order to let it dry.
4. After the corn is dry, put it into a plastic zipper bag. Before sealing it up, push and squeeze out all the air.
5. You can now place your bagged corn in the freezer for your future enjoyment. It will be edible for up to 6 months.
for creamy corn dip, see my next post

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