Sunday, June 23, 2024

Stuffed Mango Ice-cream


1 cup= 250 ml

Oats  1/2cup

Almonds  ¼ cup

Cashews  2 tbsp

Sugar  ¼ cup

Vanilla essence few drops

Mangoes as needed

Nuts chopped for garnishing



Soak oats in sufficient water for 30 minutes

Soak almonds and cashews separately for 30 minutes

 After 30 minutes, remove the skin of almonds, if you find it hard to remove the skin, then microwave or boil almonds for 2 minutes and then remove the skin.

Add almonds and cashews in a grinder jar after draining all the water

Make a fine paste of it.

Then drain oats and add to the blender

Blend to a fine paste

Add sugar and vanilla, blend to a fine puree.

This is oats kulfi base, keep aside

Take a mango, don’t peel it. Cut the top of the mango. By slicing the head, but retain this cap/

Now using a knife, loosen the pulp around the mango seed.

Firmly hold the seed with a tong and rotate it to loosen it further.

Pull the seed out.

Place the mango inside a small cup so it stands straight.

Remove any pulp from around the seed and it back to the empty mango shell.

Fill the mango center with oats kulfi base.

Put the mango cap back and freeze for 6-8 hours, time may vary.

Once frozen, peel the mango slice mango, garnish with nuts, serve at once.


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