Monday, June 10, 2024

Carrot, Ginger and Fruit Juice

This recipe comes in a variety of forms you can try. It’s essentially carrot, ginger and [insert fruit of your choice] juice. The most popular ones are Carrot, Ginger and Lime juice and Carrot. Ginger and Apple juice, because of the extra zest. 
Put 2 and 1/2 pounds of carrots, fully peeled and with the tops trimmed in the blender. You can keep the tops for later when you’re in the mood for pesto ! Add a piece of ginger that’s about four inches in size. 
If you’re in the mood for a bit of a tangy flavor, add a quarter cup of lime juice. However, if you prefer your drinks on the sweeter side, dice an apple (minus the core) and toss it in the blender with the carrots and ginger. Squeeze just half a lime in, for that extra punch, and get the motor running. 
Also, add half a cup of water to get the consistency right. And there it is! You’ve got yourself two glasses of a fresh and healthy drink. Take a swig of these great concoctions to cool off on those hot summer days

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