Saturday, June 15, 2024

Easy Mango Halwa


  • 2 and 3/4 cups Mango Pulp
  •  ! tbsp ghee
  •  Procedure:
    1. In a heavy bottom vessel (I used a small pressure cooker) add the ghee and when it is hot add the mango pulp.
    2. Keep stirring the mixture every 10-15 minutes so that it does not stick to the vessel.
    3. The mixture will reduce in quantity, there will be a change in color and after 45 minutes transfer this mixture to a greased (with very little ghee) plate. I used 2 and 3/4 cups of pulp and it cooked down to 3/4ths of a cup approximately. So a very small plate is enough.
    4. I left the plate undisturbed for one more hour and then tried cutting it into pieces and it came out perfectly. Garnish it with nuts of your choice.
    My Notes: This can be made in the microwave also. You'll have to cook for 1 1/2 -2 minutes, remove, stir and keep it again. Keep repeating till it becomes thick.
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