Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Homemade mayonnaise

Now that you’ve got the perfect method for separating yolks, you’ll be keen to start straight away. So here’s a terrific homemade mayonnaise recipe. Mayonnaise is something so useful that we need in our fridges, yet there is no need to buy it (think of all the unnecessary ingredients pre-packaged mayo contains). Instead you can make it yourself every week. That way you will get plenty of practice separating eggs and you will be doing something healthy and wonderful for you and your family.


 • 1 large egg yolk 

• 1½ tsp. fresh lemon juice 

• 1 tsp. white wine vinegar 

• ¼ tsp. Dijon mustard 

• ½ tsp. salt (and possibly a dash more for flavor)

• ¾ cup canola oil

beat all together well. 

Warning: Raw egg carries a small but definite risk of salmonella poising. So avoid giving it to infants, pregnant women, the elderly or those with weak immune systems. As a substitute you may instead try pasteurized egg yolks.

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