Monday, June 10, 2024

Carrot Top Pesto and Roasted Carrots

For this recipe, you’ve got to prepare the pesto in advance.

Here’s how to prepare the carrot-top pesto puree. To start with add 3 tablespoons of either macadamia nuts or pine nuts (as per your preference) and one clove of garlic into a blender and begin mixing. It should form a thick rough paste. 
Then you add half a cup of fresh basil leaves, the two cups of reserved carrot tops and finally a quarter cup of finely grated Parmesan. Throw in half a cup of extra virgin olive oil at the end to finish off your pesto. 
After this, you’re going to need to roast about 3 pounds of whole carrots. You can cut off the carrot tops and reserve about 2 cups full of them for the pesto and save the rest for later. Let no portion of the vegetable go to waste! 
Roast the carrots at about 400°F, for about 25-35 minutes and keep turning the carrots over until they are a crispy golden brown. Let them sit and cool (for at least 15 minutes) while you get out the pesto, which has to be made at least a day ahead. 
Then serve your home-made pesto with the crispy roasted carrots!

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