Sunday, May 5, 2024

Vegan Buckwheat and Spinach Patties - bake/ shallow fry

Buckwheat in Hindi- kuttu, in Tamil - Papparai or Mara gothumai

இந்த தானியத்தை சுண்டல் மாதிரி ...   

When making vegan patty recipes, one of the great challenges is to find something that will stick it all together as effectively as an egg does. Did you know raw buckwheat is an excellent substitute for that? By the way, despite its name, buckwheat is not related to wheat, as it does not contain an ounce of gluten. 
Buckwheat is sold either raw or toasted. The toasted groats are brown, with a deep, strong flavor. Truthfully, it's not everyone's cup of tea. The raw groats are lighter in color and milder in taste. For this recipe, you'll need raw groats, sometimes referred to as green buckwheat.

Ingredients for  patties: 
Raw buckwheat - 1 cup 
Spinach - 14 oz 
Walnuts - a handful (coarsely chopped) 
Green onions - 3 stems (finely chopped) 
Olive oil - for cooking 
Nutritional yeast - for sprinkling (optional , it is used in stead of cheese. Though it is called yeast, it doesn't need to prove) 
Lemon-pepper seasoning - to taste
Salt and Pepper - to taste 
Method of preparing the patties:  
Soak the raw buckwheat: cover it with 2 inches of water in a bowl, and let sit for 1-2 hours in the fridge. Drain well but don't rinse. 
Process it in a food processor until it is very thick and creamy. Don't add any liquids - the texture will be a little chunky and thick. 
Separate the spinach leaves from the stems if needed and rinse well. Tear or chop the leaves and firmly squeeze the excess water with your hands. 
In a clean bowl, add all the ingredients: spinach, chopped walnuts, chopped onions, seasoning, and buckwheat. Combine it with your hands. 
You can fry the patties in a pan or bake them. To bake, line and grease a baking sheet. 
Arrange the patties closely (they won't swell in the oven) and brush them with more olive oil. 
Bake for 15-20 minutes at 400°F. For the last minute or two, you can turn on the broiler for a crispy bite. 
Top with nutritional yeast for an extra cheesy and nutty flavor, and serve. 
Tip: Throw in a leaf or two of kale if you're short on spinach - they go perfectly together! one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and health tips for info on knee replacement

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