Monday, May 6, 2024

How to make corn flour at home

 Remove 2 corn kernels by breaking to half, easily with hand

Wash well 2 times

Then soak in water for 6-12 hours till it becomes soft

Grind the corn adding equal amount of water to it in batches

Strain adding water, throw the rest to make compost

Strain again through fine sieve, the residue can be used for making roti

cover the milk and keep aside for 2 hours

Strain the liquid in a bowl

The sediment below should be collected and spread on a plate thin to dry fast in the sun

Once cracks have developed on the flour, means it is semi-dry, scrape it with a spoon

It will be still slightly wet, dry it completely, then powder in a mixer jar

store in a clean dry jar,use it with dry hands and dry spoons. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and health tips for info on knee replacement

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