Monday, May 6, 2024

Simple, healthy, natural base for any ice-cream

This is mainly keeping the ingredients together, blending and freezing it.


milk 1 cup 

cream 1 cup

milk pdr  1 cup

sugar 3/4 cup ( this can vary depending on the type of fruit you want to add, either more/less)

Blend it all well, put in a freezer safe container with a lid, or a tin, then cover with plastic wrap, which should touch the top of the ice-cream, so crystals aren't formed.

You may add custard apple/ sitaphal, then add it when you're blending the main ingredients, reserving few to mix with the ice-cream, so people can get the crunch of the fruit. 

You can add any fruit of your choice and make your own healthy ice-cream at home. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and health tips for info on knee replacement

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