Thursday, May 16, 2024

Apple Ice Cream

Apple stuffed with a rich and flavourful ice-cream mixture made of condensed milk and nuts. Garnish it with fresh mint leaves and indulge in its goodness.


  • 2 Apples
  • 500ml Milk Full Cream
  • 50ml Condensed Milk
  • 20gm Almond Flakes
  • 20gm Cashew Nuts (chopped)
  • 50gm Sugar
  • Mint Leaves (for garnish)

How to Make Apple Ice Cream

1. Take a fresh apple and cut on top and around the seed area. Take a spoon for twisting the seed and take it out.
2. To make ice-cream mixture: Boil the milk on medium flame. Let it boil and reduce to 1/3 of milk. Add sugar and let it boil for some more time.
3. Now milk will become thick in consistency. Add condensed milk, nuts and boil it for another 2 mins. Turn off the flame. Let the ice cream mixture cool down for a while.
 4.Take the ice cream mixture, stuff into the apple, close on top and freeze it for 5 hours. Once it sets, cut it into slices and garnish with mint leaves.
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