Monday, May 6, 2024

Gulab churma


whole wheat flour 1 cup

rose petal paste  1 tbsp

dried rose petals 1 tbsp

salt a pinch

rose water 3 tbsp

ghee 2 tbsp

to mix

powdered gur 1/4 cup

fresh coconut/ desiccated coconut 2-3 tbsp

ghee little


in a bowl add wheat flour, salt, rose petal paste, rose petals, salt, rose water, ghee mix well

then add water and a make a soft dough. rest for 10 minutes.

take small balls, roll it out like a puri, but slightly thicker than that

with a fork poke whole all over like for shortcrust pastry, so that it doesn't puff up

heat a tawa, once hot cook it on both sides till brown and crisp, may add little ghee while cooking

crush these rotis/ puris into churma well

add powdered gur, coconut, little ghee, mix well, don't crush or try to bind it

it will be eaten with a spoon from a bowl ! one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and health tips for info on knee replacement

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