Monday, May 6, 2024

Brinjal/ Aubergine rolled in cheese in tomato gravy and baked


for this recipe you need 2 brinjals that are long, which you need to cut into thin long slices

season the slices with salt and pepper pdr

 heat a pan, add little oil, place the brinjal pieces on the pan in low flame, once it gets little cooked turn the side, once both the sides are slight brown, remove, cook all the brinjal pieces and keep aside.

In the mean time, in another pan, heat oil, add garlic paste 1 tbsp or freshly chopped garlic, fry for a minutes, then add 2 big tomatoes chopped, add few basil leaves  torn with your hands. Then add 3/4 cup of tomato puree, add salt, chili pdr to taste. let it simmer till the sauce is well cooked.

Then pour the sauce in an oven safe dish.

Now in a big bowl add 1/2 cup of grated paneer, 1/4 cup of grated cheese and 3-4 tbsp of breadcrumbs

Mix this well. Make tight small oval balls, place it on a brinjal, roll it tight and place it close-by over the tomato gravy. Roll all the brinjal slices with the cheese-breadcrumbs tightly, place it close by.

Pre-heat an oven at 180 deg. C, place the dish let it cook for 12-15 minutes, till you see the brown spots on the brinjal covered with cheese. If you like, you may sprinkle the remaining cheese and breadcrumbs mixture all over the gravy and bake it. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and health tips for info on knee replacement

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