Sunday, May 12, 2024

Purple yam/ Kand sweet puri


6 health benefits of purple yam (kand), a staple of the Maha ...  

Purple yam is called Kand in Hindi, Gujarati. I shall post about its healthy benefits in my home remedies blog later.

This yam is quite versatile, can be eating as vegetable, snack, used in cookies, cakes, jam and on and on.

This being a root vegetable with a very thick skin, needs to be washed well to remove all the mud. Then pressure cook it for 3-4 whistles. Once the pressure has cooled down, remove the yam, unlike potato, the skin can't be peeled by hand, you need a knife to peel its skin. If any black or other spots you find on the skin after peeling, remove it. Then roughly chop, then mash it with potato masher well.

Now, for this recipe, we'll use about a cup of mashed yam and for the salty-spicy puri another cup of mashed yam.


Amaranth / rajgira flour 1 cup

mashed yam   1 cup

pdr sugar  1/2 cup

cardamom pdr  1 tsp

saunf crushed  1 tbsp

sesame seeds   1 tsp

ghee  2 tbsp

oil for frying

pinch of salt


in a big bowl or plate add the flour, mashed yam, salt, ghee, mix well, till it resembles breadcrumbs

then add yam, cardamom pdr, saunf crushes, sesame seeds, mix well to knead to a semi-soft dough.

rest for a few minutes.

put oil/ ghee in your palm, take some dough, roll and flatten with your hands to a small puri and deep fry in medium hot oil. It will get cooked soon, as yam is cooked and amaranth flour doesn't take long to cook.

Drain and serve hot with some gur/ jaggery/ home made butter. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and health tips for info on knee replacement

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