Monday, May 6, 2024


 Dhokla at once reminds you of the fluffy, light yellow pieces, soaked in sugar water with green chilies.

Well, this princely dhokle  is very different, it is steamed too, but not in the steamer


maize flour  1 cup

papad khaar- this si salt with baking soda to make the dough soft. ( this is soaked in water, then used, if you don't have it, you may use salt and little baking soda)

hing little

chili pdr little

turmeric pdr little

oil little

warm water to knead to a soft dough.


to the flour add the spices, oil, mix well

then add warm water little by little to knead to a soft dough

once kneaded, take little dough, flatten to the size of your palm, make a hole in the center

make each dhokle in the same way, stack one on top like this 5 in a stack, it will be like inverted cone,  with the hole on top, and it is curved like a cup.

in a big vessel, add little water, on it some wooden pieces are kept, these dhokle stacks are kept over the wood, covered tightly with a lid and steamed for 12-15 minutes.

the dhokles will be soft and well cooked, serve hot plain or with some chutney. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and health tips for info on knee replacement

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