Sunday, May 5, 2024

Jack-fruit seeds in coconut gravy- Vegan recipe

This gravy is normally eaten with akki roti, but can be eaten with any roti or even rice.


jack-fruit seeds 1 cup half-cooked

sambar onion/ shallots 1 cup finely chopped

dry red chilies 2-3 broken

mustard seeds 1/2 tsp

turmeric pdr 1/2 tsp

red chili pdr 1/2 tsp

salt to taste

fresh coconut paste  1 cup

water as needed

coriander leaves 2 tbsp

coconut milk 1/4 cup

oil 2 tbsp

curry leaves few finely chopped


heat a pan/ kadai add oil, mustard seeds, once it crackles, add hing, shallots with little salt to fry well along with green chilies, curry leaves. You may remove a few of the shallots with curry leaves and red chilies for garnishing later.

now, add turmeric pdr, coriander pdr, red chili pdr, fry for a minute, add water

add jack-fruit seeds, coconut paste, more water salt, over and cook for 15 minutes for the jack-fruit seeds to cook completely.

check if the seeds are well cooked, add part of the coriander leaves, coconut milk, mix well

remove from gas, garnish with onion and red chili removed earlier and coriander leaves.

serve hot with akki roti, or any roti or rice, this is full of proteins.

Always make sure that your dishes compliment each other, one has crabs and the other has protein, so it becomes a complete meal. To have the best source of Vitamin C, just have one amla either has pickle or has raita( grind with green chili, add curd and season it ). This is more important if you're having any leafy greens to absorb the iron from the greens, make sure Vit. C in your meal that day. The other source is lime, though not as rich as amla/ Indian gooseberry. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and health tips for info on knee replacement

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