Friday, July 26, 2024

Secrets of Indian Food Labels


The Ingredient List is Your Best Friend
The Ingredient List is Your Best Friend

Did you know that ingredients are listed in order of quantity, from highest to lowest. So if sugar or salt is hanging out at the top of the list, you might want to think twice! Look for products where whole foods are the stars of the show. The fewer ingredients you can’t pronounce, the better!

#2 Sugar, Oh Sugar!
Sugar, Oh Sugar

Brands sometimes break down less desirable ingredients (like sugars) into multiple names. This sneaky trick pushes them further down the ingredient list, making them seem less significant. Don’t be fooled – add up those split ingredients mentally to get the real picture!

Take sugar, for example. These are all essentially sugar by other names:

» High fructose corn syrup
» Liquid glucose
» Cane juice
» Maltose
» Dextrose
» Fructose
#3 Unrealistic Serving Sizes
Unrealistic Serving Sizes

Take your favourite chips packet and look at the recommended serving size. It may be the equivalent of just 3-4 chips. But does anyone really stop at that number? Chances are, we finish the pack! Always check the serving size and calculate calories, salt, sugar, etc. based on how much you actually eat.

#4 The “Health Halo” Effect emoji
The Health Halo Effect

Is a ‘low-fat’ product always healthy? Not if it’s high in salt. Is a ‘sugar-free’ product healthy? Not if it’s loaded with trans fats. Don’t focus only on healthy claims on the front of the pack—flip it over and read the full ingredient list.

#5 Fibre Facts
Fibre Facts

Products labelled “high in fibre” should have at least 5 grams of fibre per serving. Double-check the nutrition facts to make sure you’re getting a substantial amount. Even better? Include at least 2-3 portions of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and pulses in your daily diet.

#6 The Sodium Situation
The Sodium Situation

The WHO recommends consuming no more than 2300 mg per day—that’s about 1 teaspoon. Compared to this, many processed foods are salt mines in disguise! Keep an eye on how much salt you’re consuming and adjust portions or choices to stay healthy.

#7 Fooled by Pretty Pictures?
Fooled by Pretty Pictures?

Many packages show luscious fruits or veggies, even if the product contains very little (or none) of these ingredients. Always check the ingredient list to see if those pictured items actually make the cut – and in meaningful amounts. Remember, a strawberry on the box doesn’t always mean strawberries inside!

#8 Organic Certifications
Organic Certifications

When buying organic, look for trusted certifications like Jaivik Bharat organic certification from the FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India) or India Organic certification from the NPOP (National Program for Organic Production) for some extra peace of mind.

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