Monday, July 22, 2024

Coconut Ice Cream


  • 2 cups full-fat coconut milk cream
  • 1 cup tender coconut pulp
  • ¼ cup fresh coconut water
  • Sugar to taste


Before making this recipe, make sure to refrigerate the coconut milk and tender coconut water overnight, beforehand. Also, freeze the tender coconut pulp the night before.

The next day, to make the ice cream, add into the blender the coconut milk cream and fresh coconut water, along with some sugar to taste. Blend until it becomes a creamy paste. Then, add in the coconut pulp and coarsely blend until it combined and tender coconut bits remain in the mixture (or blend it into a smooth paste if you do not like the coconut bits to remain).

Lastly, pour into a container and freeze overnight. Scoop out into a bowl and consume the next day.


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