Tuesday, July 16, 2024

How to regrow Leeks, Scallion, Fennel, Ginger, Potatoes, Garlic,Onion,Mushroom

 Leeks, scallion/ spring onions and fennel- use the end of the white root, which people don’t eat. Instead of cooking it with the rest of the food, simply place the white root in a glass jar with little water and leave it in a sunny spot.

The green leafy part of the plant will continue to shoot. Freshen up the water each week and once you see it’s starting to grow roots, move it to a pot or your garden. When it’s time to cook, just snip off what you need from the green growth and leave the rest to keep growing.


Ginger is one of the easiest plants to regrow. You just need to plant a piece of ginger rhizome, the thick knobbly bit you cook with, in potting soil and keep it well watered. Ginger enjoys flitered, not direct sunlight. Make sure to plant it with the newest and smallest buds facing upward for a better chance at regrowth.


Potatoes- we often leave our potatoes for so long that they start sprouting. If you want to regrow then instead of throwing them away, pick a potato that has robust new sprouts and cut into large squares, making sure that each piece has at least 2 sprouts. Leave the pieces at room temperature for a day or two to dry.

Add some compost to where you want to plant them, and plant each piece around 8” deep with the new growth facing up.


Garlic- a single clove of garlic is all you need to regrow it. Plant it, root end pointed down, in a warm location with plenty of direct sunlight. Once established, cut back the shoots and the plant will all its energy into producing a tasty big garlic bulb.


Onions are another great and healthy vegetable anyone can regrow. Cut off the root end of your onion about half an inch from the bottom. Place it in a sunny part of your garden, cover the top with moist soil and water it daily. Once you see new green leaves growing out, you’ll have yourself a new onion.

Mushrooms are some of the most challenging things to regrow, but it can be done, prepare a mixture of soil and compost in a pot not in the ground, so you can control the temperature of your mushroom. Just remove the head of the mushroom and plant the stalk in the soil, leaving the top exposed.

Under the right conditions, and with moderate amounts of water, the base will grow a whole new head. We have had most success with warm filtered light during the day and a cool, indoor environment during the night. You should see if it’s working or not after a few days.




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