Friday, July 26, 2024

Quick Cashew barfi

 Ingredients and Method

 full fat milk1 liter

Boil it adding lime juice with same quantity of water

Once milk boils, add lime juice little at a time till it separates fully

Then switch off the gas , let it rest for 2 minutes, then strain, add more water to remove bitterness


¼ cup sugar  + 2 cardamoms+ 10-12 cashew- pdr fine

Desiccated coconut ½ cup 

milk pdr  ¼ cup 

mix all well now add paneer, without water and has become cold

Shape it well on butter paper, keep in fridge for 20 minutes to set, or in freezer for 10 minutes

You may put silver wark on top or sprinkle some nuts pressed down.


Note- you can do the same using store bought fresh paneer too. 


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