Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Easy Way to make Ribbon Pakodam with Idli batter !


idli batter 1 cup

fried dal / pottukadalai 1 cup

red chili pdr 1/2 tsp

jeera/ cumin crushed 1/2 tsp

ajwain / carom seeds crushed 1/2 tsp

salt little

ghee 1 tbsp

hing little

 oil for frying


powder the fried dal well, add all the ingredients , except oil well. NO NEED TO ADD  ANY WATER, AS IDLI BATTER WILL HAVE ENOUGH MOISTURE.

In case the the idli batter is little thinner/ watery, then you will need to add little more pottukalai pdr or rice flour so it becomes a soft dough to put in the ribbon pakodam press and make it.

Put the soft dough in the pakodam mold/ press, and make pakodam over medium hot oil and take ut once the pakodams are golden, drain well. then store once cold in a clean container with a tight lid to remain crisp.

NOTE- the idli batter should be fresh, not fermented, this is very important to make ribbon pakodam.

In case you've fermented left-over idli batter, you can add finely chopped onion, green chilies to taste, rice flour and besan and make onion pakodams to eat fresh, it can't be stored for more than a day in warm place.

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