Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Strawberry eggless cake

I had strawberry crush unopened for a long time. As I asked our relatives to drop in the evening, I made this, sad, they didn't come, anyway, my friends had come after lunch, they ate it.


ripe bananas mashed with sugar 1/4 cup roughly

strawberry crush 4-5 tbsp as per taste

milk little

ghee 1 tbsp + for greasing

baking pdr 1 level tsp

baking soda  1/2 tsp

salt little

all purpose flour 1/2 cup roughly 


beat well bananas, strawberry crush, salt, baking pdr & baking soda well.

add flour little at a time, mix well, then keep adding till you feel it is the perfect cake consistency, I added little milk to get the consistency.

I baked in microwave for 7-8 minutes or till done.

It had a nice rose colour, but after baking, you can't make out , except you get the taste of strawberry when you bite it.

https://gscrochetdesigns.blogspot.com. one can see my crochet creations  

 https://kneereplacement-stickclub.blogspot.com. for info on knee replacement

 https://cancersupportindia.blogspot.com  for info on cancer and health related topics

 https://GSiyers home remedies.blogspot.com   is the latest addition to my blogs.


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