Saturday, September 14, 2024

Palada Prathaman- Onam special


1.Unakkalari (Short grained raw rice with bran)-300 gm
2.Sugar -50 gm
3.Coconut oil 2 tsp
4.Milk 4 liters
5.Sugar 800 gm

Method of preparation

1.Wash the rice and grind it in to a paste
2.Add sugar and coconut oil and add water till a consistency less than that of Dosa batter is attained
3.In a banal leaf , where the mid stem is removed and slightly heated, spread this dough and roll it
4.Boil water and put the rolled leaf with dough till it is well cooked
5.Remove from stove , strain the water and after leaves are cooled, remove the dough made dosa like material
6.cut them in to very small pieces. This is Ada
7.Boil milk and sugar and cook it till it reaches slightly thick consistency
8.Add the Ada and boil, Remove when you reach the serving consistency.

Ready made Adai is available nowadays. Though the superior quality will be lost, A good Ada prathaman can be prepared using readymade Adai.

All the Onam special recipes aren't mine, it was shared by my daughter. one can see my crochet creations for info on knee replacement  for info on cancer and health related topics

https://GSiyers home   is the latest addition to my blogs.

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