Saturday, September 14, 2024

Onam Mezhukku puratti


1.Yam (elephant foot yam) 30 gm
2,Green Nendra Banana 2
3.Cow pea 20 gm
4.Turmeric powder 1 tsp, salt as per need , Green chilies 6
5,Coconut oil -2 tsp

1. Cut Yam in to small square pieces after removing the skin
2. Cut Raw nendran Banana in to small square pieces
3. Cut cow pea in to one inch long pieces
4. Wash all vegetables and cook them in water along with what is mentioned in S.No.4
5. Try to add less water so that the water is absorbed completly by the vegetables
6. Heat coconut oil , put the cooked vegetables and stir so so that the vegetables get evenly coated by the oil.
Normal Mezhukku peratti is prepared using raw cooking Banana and not using raw nendran Banana. one can see my crochet creations for info on knee replacement  for info on cancer and health related topics

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