Saturday, September 14, 2024

Pazha Prathaman- Onam special


1. Five well ripened Nendran Banana fruits
2. Jaggery 175 gm
3. water 1 ½ liter
4. Ghee 2 tbsp +2 tsp
5. Coconut 2 ½
6. Two spoons of small cut pieces of coconut
7. Cashew nut pieces -2 table spoons
8. Cardamom 15 gm

Method of Preparation

1.Peel the Bananas , remove the centre spindle , add little water and boil
2.When it becomes like a pulp , switch off the stove.
3.When the fruit becomes cool, grind it in the mixie adding little water
4.Mix Jaggery in 1 ½ litre water , boil till it reduces to half ,Strain the jaggery mixture
5.Add the Banana fruit mixture till it becomes almost dry. Add ghee and mix it and remove from the stove
6.Grate the coconut , grind it with ¼ liter water, extract the first milk and keep aside
7.Add 1 ½ liter water , grind further , extract the second milk and keep aside
8.Add two liters of water , grind further and extract the third milk
9.Boil the banana fruit mixture with third milk . When it is attains fluid consistency add Second milk and Boil till it becomes thick (payasam)
10. In the heavy vessel heat the ghee. Fry the cut coconut pieces , add cashew nuts , fry further and add it to the payasam
11.Add first milk and powdered cardamom
12. never add cow’s milk or Buffalo’s milk to this Payasam, because it will split. one can see my crochet creations for info on knee replacement  for info on cancer and health related topics

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