Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Apple-cinnamon cupcakes


maida 2 + 1/2 cup

apple 2  ( peel, core, cut into small pieces, soak in water )

butter 1/2 cup

pdr sugar  1 cup

cinnamon pdr  2 tsp

baking pdr  1 1/2 tsp

salt 1/2 tsp

eggs 2

milk 3-4 tbsp as needed

vanilla essence


in a big bowl, sieve the dry ingredients

in another big bowl, add butter and sugar, beat well, add eggs beat well adding vanilla essence

Now add the dry ingredients to the wet ones, mix well, if too dry, add little milk, mix well

drain the apple pieces, mix 1/2 cup flour with apple pieces and add to the prepared dough, mix well.

pour the batter into cupcake molds by greasing them and dusting them with flour, if you're not using silicon mold.

pre-heat oven @ 180 deg. C. keep the cupcakes mold in a tray, bake for 20-25 minutes or till done.

Remove if done by checking with a toothpick in the center of the cupcake, if it comes out clean, then it is done. Cool, dust with icing sugar and serve hot/ cool. one can see my crochet creations for info on knee replacement  for info on cancer and health related topics

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