Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Moongre Ki Sabji | Radish Pods Sabji


250 grams radish pods (mogri or moongre) – can use either green or purple pods

1 potato – large or 2 medium size potatoes, diced

1 tsp turmeric powder 

½ tsp red chili powder 

¼ tsp  garam masala pdr

1 tsp dry mango powder (amchur powder)

2 to 3 tbsp mustard oil or sunflower oil

salt to taste


  • Chop the pods in 2 inch pieces.
  • Rinse them in running water 3 to 4 times.
  • Heat mustard oil in a pan. Add the potatoes.
  • Sauté the potatoes for 3 to 4 minutes on a medium heat or until they cook about ¼ᵗʰ.
  • Add the chopped radish pods.
  • Stir the veggies and sauté again for 3 to 4 minutes.
  • Add the turmeric powder, red chili powder and salt.
  • Mix the spice powders evenly with both the veggies.
  • Cover and cook the veggies for 10 to 15 minutes on a low to medium-low heat. Remember to check the veggies and stir them in between.
  • Once both the veggies are cooked and tender, add the garam masala powder and dry mango powder. Stir these two spice powders with the veggies.
  • Serve the Aloo Moongri ki Sabji with roti, phulka and a bowl of yogurt.


  • This radish pods recipe can be scaled to make for more servings.
  • Use a thick bottomed heavy well seasoned pan so that the vegetables do not stick while cooking. 
  • Adjust the spices and seasonings according to your taste preferences.                                                                     

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