Tuesday, September 10, 2024

How to freeze Avocado

When any fruit or vegetable is in season, we tend to buy more, then wonder, how best to store them, especially a vege/ fruit like avocado which is expensive.

The simple way to freeze avocado is cut into half

remove the seed, which can be used to plant your own avocado tree ! simply by soaking the seed by piercing it with a toothpick, so you can put it in a small container with water, for its roots to come out. Well, though, the roots didn't come, I told my gardener to plant, I had 2 seeds, but when he went to plant, one seed broke into 2, so he planted the 2 halves and a full seed ! I got 3 plants, they're small, it will take a few years to yield.

Now, let me tell you how to freeze avocado, after cutting into half, removing the seed, you can scoop it out easily the half and place on a baking tray or any sheet, which you can put in your freezer. By placing the avocados thus and freezing hem either overnight or for a few hours, you can then store each half in individual small zip-lock bag, easy to use, just taking a half to make your smoothie or pesto !


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