Thursday, August 1, 2024

Sabudana Spicy appam / Iduyappam


 sabudana 1 cup 

curd  1/2 cup

water  1/2 cup

potato 1very big or 2 medium size potatoes  boiled and mashed/ grated

onion 1medium chopped fine

chili flakes 1 tsp or to taste OR add only green chilies chopped as per taste

jeera  1/2 tsp

salt to taste

chaat masala  1 tsp

coriander leaves chopped 3 tbsp

curry leaves chopped fine  1 tbsp 

white sesame seeds 2 tbsp

oil 2 tbsp roughly



wash sabudana well, drain completely, add water and curd mix well, cover and keep aside for 2-3 hours.

the water should be well absorbed and sabudana should be soft enough to mash with your fingers.

Once sabudana is soft, no water left, add potato, onion, green chilies/ chili flakes, coriander leaves, curry leaves, salt, jeera, chaat masala and mix well. Make small lemon size balls which can fit in your   appakarai or poaching pan.

heat the poaching pan, put little oil in each, sprinkle little white sesame seeds down, place the balls, cover and cook for 3-4 minutes, once the bottom is golden, turn it around, if need be add few drops of oil, cover and cook again for 3-4 minutes, turn and out the center appam to the corner and the corner ones in the center so all get evenly cooked. Drain and remove serve with raw tomato chutney.


For the chutney

1 big tomato or medium size chop roughly add to the small mixer jar

add garlic 2 cloves

green chilies 2-3 as per taste

salt to taste

coriander leaves 1/2 cup chopped

mint leaves few

grind without adding water, serve with appams one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes for info on knee replacement  for infor on cancer and health related topics
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