Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Badam Halwa



  • 1 cup almonds (badam)
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1/2 cup ghee (clarified butter)
  • 1 cup sugar
  • A few strands of saffron (kesar), optional
  • Cardamom powder (elaichi), to taste
  • Chopped nuts for garnish (like pistachios or almonds)


Step1-Soaking the Almonds:

  • Soak the almonds in hot water for about 30 minutes to 1 hour. This will soften them and make it easier to peel off the skins.

Step2-Peeling and Grinding:

  • After soaking, peel the almonds. You can easily remove the skins by pinching the almonds; the skins should slip off easily.
  • Grind the peeled almonds with the milk to make a smooth paste. Add the milk gradually to facilitate grinding. The paste should be thick and smooth.

Step3-Cooking the Halwa:

  • Heat ghee in a heavy-bottomed pan or kadhai over medium heat.
  • Add the almond paste to the ghee and stir continuously. Cook the almond paste in ghee until it thickens and starts to leave the sides of the pan. This process may take about 15-20 minutes on medium heat. Keep stirring to prevent sticking or burning.

Step4-Adding Sugar and Flavorings:

  • Once the almond paste has thickened, add sugar and mix well. The mixture will become slightly liquidy due to the sugar.
  • Add saffron strands (if using) and cardamom powder. Mix thoroughly.

Step5-Cooking Until Thickened:

  • Continue cooking the halwa on medium-low heat, stirring frequently, until it thickens to the desired consistency. This may take another 10-15 minutes.

Step6-Garnishing and Serving:

  • Once the halwa reaches the desired consistency (it should be thick and leave the sides of the pan), remove from heat.
  • Garnish with chopped nuts like pistachios or almonds.
  • Serve hot or warm. Badam Ka Halwa can be enjoyed on its own or with a scoop of vanilla ice cream for a delightful contrast.


  • Ensure you use a heavy-bottomed pan to prevent burning and ensure even cooking.
  • Adjust the sugar quantity to suit your taste.
  • The consistency of the halwa should be thick yet moist.
  • Stir continuously while cooking to avoid lumps and achieve a smooth texture. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes for info on knee replacement  for infor on cancer and health related topics
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