Sunday, December 25, 2016

Mango sandesh

whole cream milk  1 litre/ roughly 1 big cup of fresh/soft paneer
fresh mango pulp sweetened with sugar  1 cup
cardamom pdr.  1/8 tsp
lime juice

boil milk, curdle with lime juice, drain and collect the paneer( should be well drained)
knead the cottage cheese with the heel of your palm for 10-15 minutes until soft & smooth
warm a non-stick pan lightly, add the paneer along with sweetened mango pulp
mix well and cook over low heat stirring constantly
you'll notice the mixture gradually changing its colour & texture
the mixture will become lumpy when it is nearly done
take it off at once and transfer into a bowl
take a mould and grease it with ghee, sprinkle some cardamom pdr. in the centre of the mould, press the mixture into the mould, smoothen the edges and gently take it of the mould. repeat the process with remaining mixture, or simply shape with your hand

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