Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Cleaning a Cast Iron Skillet

A great way to prepare flavorful dishes is to use a cast iron skillet. But they tend to be quite annoying to clean, primarily because you cannot clean them as you would other pots as it would ruin the flavor of your food. So, you may be wondering, does this mean no hot water and dish soap? Instead of this usual method, there is a simple technique when it comes to cleaning your skillet. 
A cast iron skillet is essential for two main reasons. Firstly, the unique flavor that locks into your food when using it, and secondly, the fact that your skillet can last years, all while looking good as new. But, essential care is required. Here's what you need to do: 
To retain the quality of your skillet, you need two simple ingredients: salt and olive oil. You'll also need water and a rag, or paper towel for drying. Once you've gathered all of your cleaning tools for your cast iron skillet, follow the below steps:
Step 1: Keep your dirty pan warm and sprinkle 1 cup of salt into it.
Step 2: Carefully use your paper towels to spread the salt and rub it over the entire surface. This should help loosen up the food gunk.
Step 3: With the paper towels, scrape the salt and the food waste into a separate bowl, until the bottom of the skillet is completely clean. 

The above steps will ensure that your cast iron skillet is sparkling clean again in a matter of seconds. This is an easy routine to stick to after every use of your skillet. And, maintaining it like this will ensure your food retains that cast iron flavor you love.
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