Thursday, August 31, 2023

From Grime to Tarnish, these Natural Cleaning Solutions Actually Work 1

Common household items like salt and baking soda could be used to tackle countless chores around the home, in fact, you wouldn't believe just how much you could get done around the house with these cheap and widely available items.

Lemons Lemons

A fantastic cleaning agent that can be used to remove dirt and rust stains (due to its acidic nature). Cleaning with lemons becomes especially effective when mixed with salt, making an excellent paste.
Countertops: Cut a lemon in half and dip it in baking soda, using it to clean over a countertop, then wipe with a wet sponge and dry. Lemons should not be used on delicate stone, like marble or on stainless steel as it may cause discoloring. 
 Dishes: This fantastic alternative may be used alongside your dishwashing detergent, increasing its grease-cutting power. Simply add a teaspoon of lemon juice.

Liquid Castile Soap  
This plant-based soap is effective at loosening grime and dirt from surfaces. It is gentler too, so it won't leave the surfaces looking dull or damaged. 
Sinks, showers, tubs and ceramic tiles: This soap may be used to create a homemade soft scrubber by combining 1 tablespoon with 1/3 cup baking soda. 
Stovetop and vent hood: A few squirts of liquid Castile soap mixed with 2 cups hot water can be used to clean the stovetop, burners and vent hood, cutting through accumulated grease.  
Table salt
If anything in your house needs a little polish, salt's granular texture makes for a beneficial cleaning agent. Any type of salt may be used, including sea or kosher salt, but table salt will be your cheapest option.

 Spills in the oven: Don't you just hate it when that casserole bubbles over when you take it out of the oven? A great way to clean the mess up without having to scrub your oven tray is to pour salt on the spill to soak it up. Once the oven has cooled down, wipe with a damp sponge. 
The benefits of cleaning with vinegar are plentiful, as it has the ability to wipe out tarnish, soap scum, mineral deposits and other grimy substances. Its acidic nature also creates an environment that inhibits the growth of mold, mildew and some bacteria such as E. coli and salmonella.
Drains: Use vinegar to clean drains and the pipes they are attached to by pouring the liquid down the drain. After about 30 minutes, flush with cold water.
 Floors: 1/4 cup vinegar, added to a bucket of warm water may be used to clean almost any type of floor, except marble, as it can scratch it, or wood, as it can strip it. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and health tips for info on knee replacement

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