Friday, January 23, 2015

Uses of foof outside kitchen


If your fridge is smelling of foul odours, place a bowl of fresh, unused coffee grounds inside it and leave it for a day. The coffee will absorb the odour. You can also get rid of the smell of onion, garlic or cilantro from hands after cooking by rubbing coffee powder on hands and then washing off with warm water!

Cayenne Pepper

It can be used as an ant deterrent: Just make a trail around the areas you want to cordon off from these insects.


This tomato-based concoction is effective in cleaning copper-bottomed pans because of it high citric acid content.


Use a cinnamon trail to keep insects, especially ants, at bay from unwanted territory!


If you have a problem removing price tags and stickers on household items or clothes, just dab that sticker with mayo and let it sit. Gently wipe off after a few minutes and it’ll peel out smoothly.

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