Friday, November 24, 2023

These Ingenious Food Hacks Will Change the Way You Eat

Home cooking isn’t for everyone. It’s a tough job that requires a lot of skill and patience. But what if you are a foodie who is simply a little bit too lazy to spend all that time in the kitchen? Well, here we have presented some ingenious time-saving cooking tips and tricks that will certainly make the life of foodies a little easier.

These food hacks have been shared by people on the Internet and show us that sometimes all it takes is a little bit of out-of-the-box thinking to save yourself some time. Try these clever food tricks and they may well change the way you eat forever. 
1. Toss some lemon slices on your grill to keep your fish from burning and sticking.
Food Hacks, lemon slices
2. Sprinkle grapes with lemon juice and gelatin mix to make your own version of 'sour patch' grapes. Delicious and tangy, you can enjoy these as an afternoon snack. The amount of gelatin to use will depend on the number of grapes you have to cover. Just make sure all grapes are coated in the mixture.
Food Hacks, grapes with lemon juice

3. Use Tic Tac dispensers for storing spices. These will be especially useful in smaller kitchens.
Food Hacks, Tic Tac dispensers

4. Use bacon as a pie crust for a shepherd's pie to take it up a notch!
Food Hacks, bacon

5. Prepare freezer packs in advance for a quick breakfast smoothie.
Food Hacks, breakfast smoothie.

6. A Mason jar lid ring can be used to cook the perfect egg round for your breakfast. Make sure that the lid is properly washed and greased.

Food Hacks, Mason jar lid

7. Planning to make pizza bagels? Put pepperoni over the bagel hole to stop the cheese from melting through and sticking to the pan. This will also enhance the taste of the bagels considerably. Food Hacks,  pizza bagels

8. Fillings falling out of a burger is seriously frustrating, right? Here's a simple solution: wrap a piece of lettuce around the back end to keep them in place.
Food Hacks, burger

9. Add two eggs and half a cup of oil into any cake mix and turn into delicious cookie dough!
 Food Hacks, cookie dough
10. A binder clip can come in real handy to help store your beer properly in the fridge. 

Food Hacks, beer

11. Use crushed, dried edamame on your chicken when you are in the mood of having breaded chicken the next time. It is a much healthier option.
Food Hacks, chicken

12. Hate those cheese-dust fingers you get after digging into a bag of Cheetos? Well, chopsticks are the answer.

Food Hacks, Cheetos

13. Straining your salsa will make it less watery. Also, you can use the liquid to cook rice.
Food Hacks, salsa

14. A spice grinder can be cleaned properly by simply using some white rice.

Food Hacks, spice grinder

15. Don't have enough hotdog buns for the remaining hotdogs? Use a baked potato instead. 
 Food Hacks, hotdog buns one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and health tips for info on knee replacement

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