Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Goodness of berries

A source of natural sugars and packed with vitamins, berries have immense potential as healing fruits

Source of health Gooseberry and strawberry

Their bright colours appeal to the eye, even before their juicy goodness delights the palate. Berries of all varieties, especially strawberries, cranberries, raspberries, and blueberries have been hailed for their significant disease fighting capabilities and exquisite flavours.

Preliminary results from a study on strawberries conducted demonstrate that 30-60 minutes after eating them, the antioxidant levels in the body peaked remarkably. The study concluded that the antioxidants in strawberries are efficiently absorbed. Once antioxidants are absorbed, they are able to effectively battle free radicals which are the rogue compounds that wreak havoc on the body, causing it to age rapidly. Though of course, strawberries cannot yet be hailed as the elixir of youth, they certainly do seem to have properties that can effectively stem the ageing process.

If you have craving for sweets then you can replace the calorie rich sweets with these low cal hydrating fruits having natural sugars. Berries are cholesterol and sodium free. It is also very low in calories and rich in both soluble and insoluble fibre, and therefore, ideal for people looking out for weight loss. 

Berries are powerhouses of phytonutrients — these are naturally occurring compounds found in plants which are designed to protect plant life against the harmful effects of the sun and other elements. The benefits of phytonutrients are multiple as they work synergistically with vitamins, antioxidants and other nutrients to support one's immune system. Since phytonutrients are concentrated in the peels or skins of fruits and vegetables, berries—with their edible skins—are an ideal source and one of nature's biggest gifts. The dark pigmentation of berries has been attributed to the presence of these phytonutrients. Dark berries like blueberries, blackberries, raspberries and goji berries all contain powerful antioxidants. Blueberries, bilberries and raspberries contain lutein, which is important for healthy vision. Raspberries are rich in anthocyanins and cancer-fighting phytochemicals such as ellagic, coumaric and ferulic acid. Pomegranate fruit extract (yes, it is considered a berry) has strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and has been found to be particularly beneficial in inhibiting the growth of cancer cells, and improving symptoms of coronary heart disease and periodontitis (gum disease).

Berries make excellent snacking options. They can be creatively combined with different foods to make interesting meals. A way to serve berries is with a granola bar or with muesli or unsweetened cornflakes. Yoghurt makes a good base too. Choose fresh berries as far as possible, avoid baked berry dishes such as cobblers, pies and other desserts. When effectively combined with other healthy foods such as whole grain muffins and bread, berries make an excellent mini-meal that is appropriate for any time of day.

You can also juice it or make a berry sauce. Berries, with all their healing properties and exquisite taste, could very well be the secret ingredient to lasting good health!

ps- for cancer, view my blog-

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