Friday, December 22, 2023

Easy to grow pineapple

 I love pineapple, if you give me only pineapple to eat for the day, I'm very happy. I love the pineapple juice, but firmly believe that by drinking juice, we're wasting the good fiber, by eating the fruit whole, it will make you feel with the fiber.

After cutting the top part of the pineapple with the leaves, soak in water, changing it daily for 3-4 days, you can see small roots must have started, at times, even if it hasn't come, you can plant it after 3 days. Water it regularly, not over watering. It takes long for the fruit to come. I was so happy to see my 1st fruit, though it was small, it was half ripe, thought that I'll pluck it the next day. Unfortunately due to my husband's illness, I forgot, after 2 days went to get,😓😧 someone had stolen my pineapple. Many people were eyeing it. I asked the gardener, he said that he doesn't eat any fruit, then who? A sly guy who used to roam around searching for fruits and plants to steal. He used to steal my turmeric plants too.

Now, I've planted them in the front so, I can keep an eye on them, hopefully! one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and health tips for info on knee replacement

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