Saturday, October 30, 2021

Left-over rice pudding

 Now, when many millions are starving in the world, where most don't get even a square meal, those of us, who are lucky should stop wasting food, in stead change the form into something delicious. Now, some recipes from left-over rice, while earlier, I have already posted cheesy pakoras with left-over rice, sweet pongal and even palpayasam ( which is basically a dessert, in which rice is cooked in milk till it is well cooked, then add sugar to taste and let it simmer till the mixture turns thick and light brown. The same one, in stead of waiting for the rice to cook, you smash well the rice, add milk, mix well, let it boil, then simmer for a few minutes, then add more milk, repeat the process till all the milk is exhausted, then add sugar to taste, let it simmer, then it is thick, take it off the gas, it can be served warm, cool, its always on the easiest payasam/ kheer to make.

Rice- pudding

One of the best ways to use up leftover rice is to prepare a nice bowl of pudding with it. All you need is some milk and sugar. Then, follow the simple instructions below: 
1. Combine the milk in a 1:1 ratio with the leftover rice. 
2. Add one teaspoon of sugar (or any other sweetener of your choice) along with a pinch of salt. 
3. Simmer the mixture on medium heat. Keep stirring frequently. 
4. If you want, you can even add spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, or cardamom to the mixture. 
5. Keep stirring for about 20 minutes, and you will have a delectable bowl of rice pudding ready. 
6. Garnish it with chopped nuts, jam, or fruit, if you'd like. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and health tips for info on knee replacement

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