Saturday, April 18, 2020

Pineapple halwa

Sorry having problem loading photos from the card. This is completely my own idea. In case, anyone tries, please give the credit to me. I love sweets, but always prefer it to be mild. I can't digest too much fat, so, I prefer to use less fat. Those who like, can add more fat. Since hubby was asking for sweets and we can't go out of the gate, also no regular suppliers are coming, made it to satisfy his sweet tooth.

pineapple sliced  1/2 cup ( no hard and fast rule)
maida / all purpose flour 1 cup 
sugar 1/2 cup
gur/ jaggery/ molasses  1/4 cup ( approximately OR you can only add sugar)
ghee 4 tsp
cardamom pdr. 1/2 tsp
pineapple essence   1/2 tsp
water 2-3 cups

I cooked pineapple in a cup of water with sugar, kept the gas in sim, let it simmer for about 20 minutes 
In a non-stick pan, I added the flour, kept roasting it in low flame for about 5 minutes, stirring often.
I took the pan off the gas, then added the pineapple with the syrup little at a time stirring well, then added more water, stirring , so that there are no lumps.
I added the gur, kept stirring continuously, as it started thickening, I added 1 tsp of ghee at a time and kept stirring, once ghee was absorbed, I added more ghee, a tsp at a time and kept stirring till it left the sides, and also all the gur had melted. 
I switched off the gas, added essence, cardamom pdr., mixed well.
Hubby liked it, then gave to our niece who is staying above us, she also liked it, she said the sweet is mild. Since, I added gur, it had  a light brown colour.

1) honestly, I don't measure my ingredients, but the quantity will be almost what I've mentioned. 
2) if you don't feel like adding gur, you can add sugar to taste
3) You can add nuts, as due to shortage of nuts, whatever, I've, wanted to save it, as we both eat a few nuts daily. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and health tips for info on knee replacement

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