Friday, October 18, 2019

Instant rava adai

 batter ready
adai ready to taste

Today was another hectic day for us, left early after having cereals for b'fast at home, as hubby needed a Doppler scan test to be done. Our luck is so good, that the scan centre where the specialist had recommended, didn't have any appointment for today in the centre closer to our home. So, had to fix in the other centre quite far, luckily they said they can do it, provided we're there by 9.30. We're earlier, but as the radiologist had to come, we had to wait for 15 minutes. Luckily, within an hour of scan done, we also got the report. Today, I was well-equipped with some nicely chopped fresh papaya, some cookies, thinking yesterday it took us hours and we both were famished. Maybe, that I was well prepared, it was done quickly, then went to a hospital to book the room for my laser ablation surgery for my varicose veins. Chose the room, gave the admission form and were back home by 11.45. Hubby was wondering then what about lunch, I said, don't worry, I can quickly make for you rava adai. So, that was our lunch, after eating the papaya ! Dinner is lots of vegetable, nuts, poha/ avil upma, which again is healthy as the red avil is rich in iron, so I'll add lemon juice to get the most of the iron from it. Since my avil is thick variety, to make for dinner, after lunch itself, I wash it well, add enough water to cover it, close and keep. So, the avil will be soft by the time I need to make and secondly, I don't have to spend my time and energy to squeeze out the excess water. Normally by throwing away the water we soak the food in, we're wasting water soluble vitamins. So, always remember to soak in sufficient water, which you'll use to make batter.

Now, the most simple and quick adai one can make, not even 5 minutes to mix the batter, within 15 minutes 3 adai were ready.

suji/ rava/ semolina  1/2 cup or as much as you need, depending on how many you're going to feed
buttermilk / sour curd is best for it,  roughly double the quantity of rava
salt to taste
green chili 1 finely chopped
onion 1 big finely chopped
ajwain/carom seeds  1/2 tsp
water is needed
oil to cook
hing little
curry leaves few finely chopped

mix rava with curd/ buttermilk well, keep beating for 2-3 minutes, keep aside when you chop onion and green chili and curry leaves
add chopped onion, chili, curry leaves along with hing, ajwain, mix well
now if the batter is thick, add little water, the batter should be thicker than dosa batter
heat a tawa, smear little oil, spread some batter evenly all around, put some oil, cook on medium heat, till brown on both sides, serve hot with chutney  or milagai podi.

NOTE- if you don't want, you may skip onion, you may add grated carrot, or finely chopped drumstick leaves
if you don't have sour curd, doesn't matter, add the curd that you've along with some lime juice. If you don't have lime juice, no worry.
In my recipes, nothing is compulsion, make do with what you've.
I took 6 tbsp of rava, got 6 adai from it after adding buttermilk, onion etc.

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