Friday, October 2, 2015

Learn to Identify Real Cinnamon nad its use other than flavouring

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Before getting to its uses, here's a fact you may want to consider. Much of the cinnamon available  is not real cinnamon (Cinnamon Verum or Cinnamomum Zeylancium), it is Cassia. Cassia contains substances that have strong anticoagulant properties, which may be harmful to the liver when consumed in large quantities. It is easier to spot the difference between the two when buying cinnamon sticks. Though, it is a lot harder to identify real cinnamon in its powder form. 
Here's how to spot the difference:
  • Cinnamon is a paler tan brown, as opposed to the reddish rust brown of cassia.
  • Cinnamon has a thin, paper-textured bark that forms multiple thin layers when rolled up. Cassia bark is thicker, forming just a few layers.
  • Cinnamon is more fragile, and can crumble a lot easier than cassia which is tough and a lot harder to grind.
  • Cinnamon has a delicate, sweeter aroma, whereas cassia is more pungent and full-bodied.
  • Cinnamon is very expensive in comparison to cassia, and it is a lot harder to obtain. 
Nevertheless, it is important to note that there are no dramatic nutritional differences between the two and to actually notice the difference, you would need to consume it in large amounts.  

Repel Moths 
Cinnamon is great at warding off pesky moths. Just break 3 to 4 cinnamon sticks and combine them with 1/2 cup of whole cloves and 1/2 cup whole black peppercorns. Fill sachets with 1 tablespoon of the mixture and toss the sachets in your underwear drawer or hang them in your closets. 

Light Bulb Diffuser 
As odd as it may seem, cinnamon can be used as a light bulb diffuser to bring its scent to a room. All you need to do is add one drop of cinnamon essential oil on a cool light bulb. When you turn the lights on, the heat from the bulb will emanate the aroma throughout the room. 

Treat Insect Bites 
To help alleviate the pain and itching of an insect bite, apply a mixture of cinnamon and honey. The duo will disinfect the infected area, moisturize the skin and heal it. 

Prevent Food from Spoiling
Adding cinnamon helps to prevent the spoiling of food. It does so by delaying bacterial growth. 

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