Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Why You Should Never Bake Cookies on an Aluminum Foil-Lined Baking Sheet

If you value your cookies' quality, you'll skip the foil.

There are dozens of fantastic ways to use aluminum foil in your kitchen — from covering your leftover lasagna before re-heating it in the oven to lining your grill to make roasting veggies easier and less messy. These are just a few of the myriad reasons foil has rightly earned its place as an essential kitchen staple you should always have on hand.
But if you've been reaching for the aluminum foil to line your baking sheets before making cookies or other sweet, doughy treats, you might be surprised to learn you've been committing a major baking faux pas.

The reason you should never bake cookies on an aluminum foil-lined baking sheet all boils down to science.

Ultimately, the scientific reason you should never bake cookies on a foil-lined baking sheet is simple: The parts of your cookie dough that come in direct contact with the foil are exposed to more concentrated heat than the rest of your cookies, thanks to aluminum's natural conductor properties.

The end result? Your batch of cookies ends up baking unevenly, with the bottoms of your cookies (which are in direct contact with the aluminum foil) baking faster than the tops (which are only exposed to the evenly distributed hot air in your oven). That's why cookies baked on foil-lined sheets have browner, crispier bottoms (that, yes, are sometimes burned) than those baked on parchment paper, the scientifically smarter choice for the perfect batch of cookies.

Indeed, parchment paper is the clear winner for all of your baking needs because, unlike foil, it distributes your oven's heat more evenly and keeps the highly-concentrated heat of your metal baking pan (or foil lining) from scorching the bottoms of your cookies. It also has a natural non-stick coating, meaning it won't stick to your baked goods like foil sometimes can. You won't have to grease it first, either. Your cookies will slide right off the parchment paper and onto your cooling rack without an ounce of effort.

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