Wednesday, June 5, 2019

All the Ways That Aluminum Foil Can Change Your Life

Pocket-Friendly Cookie Molds

Spending a holiday with loved ones and making cookies of different shapes and types is fun. Children, adults and even the elders of the family enjoy cookies. It’s a great way to interact and learn.
The fun part about making cookies is that you can make any shape and size of cookies. All you need is a folded strip of aluminum foil that you can bend, mold, and curve to form the shape you desire. So, don’t just make cookies, make memories too.

Molten Ice-Cream Disaster Management

Children are very messy in almost everything they do, but eating something like ice-cream needs special attention. The soft ice cream can cause stains on clothes and create sticky hands, and no one likes sticky hands.
So, the next time you get ice cream for your kids, wrap it with aluminum foil. It will create a barrier between the cone and their hands, collecting all the melting ice cream. You see, the best solution to the ice cream mess was always in front of your eyes.

Fresh Bananas Anyone?

Did you know that the banana is the only fruit that never faces an insect attack? But it contains high amounts of reacting agents that make it prone to fast decaying. Strangely, aluminum foil can slow down its rotting process by breaking the air contact.
Putting aluminum around its top stem will slow down the process of decay. The foil will slow the reaction enough for you to enjoy the stash of bananas for days, even a week or more.

Natural Light Dispenser for Dark a Corner

If you have a cabinet in which the drawers or shelves are deep, chances are they’re going to have dark corners. They don’t get enough natural light. And you don’t want any places where cockroaches are drawn to.
So what you can do is place aluminum foil on your cabinet shelves. It will reflect light to every corner, decreasing the darkness and obviously, the number of insects.

Homemade Radiator Efficiency Booster

After coming in from the cold outdoors, a warm indoors is something you want. However, a standard radiator is sometimes just not enough. You can upgrade it or get another one, but that would mean higher gas and electricity bills.
But the solution is some flaps of aluminum foil over cardboard. Place it around the heat source and they will reflect heat to all the corners of the rooms, increasing the rate of heat dispensing. hence the efficiency of the radiator.

Long Live the Precious Batteries

Whether you admit it or not, everyone hates the situation when the batteries of their remotes run out, and they have to move from the couch to the TV set to increase the volume.
Fortunately, aluminum foil can prevent this major movie flow breaker. A small ball of foil on either side of the battery can increase the battery life for days or weeks, even a month.

Dirt, Grim or Rust – We Deal with All

Imagine you have an important meeting and are all set for it but then you notice a small wrinkle on your shirt. Sounds simple, right? You remove the shirt and iron it. But, what if that iron has an accumulation of dirt? Now that’s where the situation gets tricky.
Fortunately, the solution is right there in your kitchen. Roll a ball of aluminum foil and scrub the iron’s surface. All the dirt on the hot surface will get cleaned. You may end with some scratch, but that’s a small price to pay.

Move Your Furniture Without a Scratch

Big, beautiful, and appealing pieces of furniture can be a disaster when you have to move them around your place. You don’t always have someone to help you carry them every time. So what do you do? You end up dragging it, and that leaves impressions on your floor.
Source: YouTube
Here’s an idea to avoid these unnecessary consequences. He placed a layer of aluminum foil under each leg of the furniture. And voila.

Wifi Issues?

A lot of fascinating stuff to do with a poor internet connection is probably the worst combination. You reboot your system, restart your router, check cables and still no improvement. Maybe the problem isn’t with the hardware. Maybe it’s the weak signal strength.
We have a way to help you. The master plan starts with a card-shaped flap that you will cover with tin foil and place in front of the router. The aluminum layer will strengthen the connection to a greater extent.

Glue Gun Hack

The hot molten glue from the glue gun is just incredible. It’s ideal for sealing, sticking and a lot of other exciting stuff. But the glue guns don’t have that improved dispensing system and tends to deposit a layer of adhesive on the tip.
The worst part is, this glue is too hard for room temperature and too hot in molten form. Aluminum foil is your best option here. It will help you scrub away all the material in no time.

Seal a Plastic Bag

Remember the last time you got anxious about your grocery items and ended up buying more than you needed? Those extras were not a big deal, at least until an opened chip bag fell and spilled all the chips on the floor.
There are ways to reseal plastic packages, and you don’t need any particular machine for it. A strip of aluminum foil and a hot iron does the job.

Friendly Neighborhood Teeth Cleaner

You may have seen people paying hundreds of dollars to get pearly white teeth. But what if there is a way to get similar results with a homemade remedy?
Mix some baking soda with toothpaste and grab some aluminum foil. Put a coat of the mixture on the foil and wrap it on your teeth. In about an hour, remove the foil and have a look at your teeth. You’ll notice the difference.

Door Knob Paint Protector

Whether you are painting a room or a full home, there are always some areas you want to leave untouched. Applying some paper with tape is an excellent option for door frames and ceilings, but what about the doorknob? It’s curvy, and a pain to cover.
Aluminum foil is efficient for this scenario, too. It takes the shape of the knob and catches all the drips of paint. Once the paint dries, you can dispose of the protector without the worry of any residue marks.

Barbeque-Friendly Aluminum Foil

BBQ meals with family and friends are lovely, but the mess it leaves behind isn’t as fun. Cleaning the grill can take hours of hard work – something no one wants to do. And flavored greases fall on the coal, ruining the taste.
Just stack some layers of aluminum foil together and place them on the grill to prevent dripping. The same foil mixed with some soapy water will also help you clean the rack within a few minutes.

Old Mirrors – From Distraction to Attraction

Mirrors are the latest trend in interior designing. A group of mirrors adds a sense of luxury, light, and design to almost every household. However, with time the reflective layer of mirrors get affected, and that results in unpleasant spots on it.
The reflective paint around the mirrors is very similar to the silver surface of aluminum foil. So, you can use the foil to heal your valuable mirror. Take a strip of foil and tape it to the frame of the mirror.

Insect Protection with Enhanced Plant Growth

If you have a beautiful garden, then you may be familiar with the drastic effect an insect attack can have on it. The mulch can protect your garden from such an attack and adding some aluminum foil will further enhance the results.
This metal is an effective remedy for all kinds of bacteria, insects and more. Moreover, arranging some foil will help to spread sunlight and focus it on the plants. And everyone knows, sunshine is good for plant health and growth.

A Helping Hand for Santa

Aluminum can sustain a very high amount of heat, so it’s ideal for high-temperature areas like a hearth. If you have a fireplace, aluminum foil will come in handy to keep it neat and tidy. It’s a fair deal for eliminating the hassle of removing ash, soot and semi-burned fuel that no one likes.
Some layers of this foil will help you create a removable platform. You can simply remove the platform and trash it whenever you need to.

Patch Your Cloth, Not the Ironing Board

That rip in your jeans can be tackled by sticking a patch on it. The process is quite simple, but it comes with a risk. The spot is prone to heat and tends to stick to the ironing board while ironing it on your clothes.
A small piece of aluminum foil can help you deal with this situation. Slip some bits of foil under the hole, and it will form a layer of heat absorbent material that will prevent any unwanted sticking. After the ironing is complete, you can easily slip out the piece of foil.

A Sun Bed for Garden Plants

If you have some plants in areas that receive low sunlight, your plant will not survive for very long. Now, you can change the position of the potted plant, but if that’s not possible, a sunbed will come in handy.
Take a box with four sides and cut one of them, then cover the rest with aluminum foil. Stick the three-sided reflector next to the pot and adjust it to face the direction of sunlight. This framework will focus more light on the plant, boosting the photosynthesis process and hence the plant’s health.

Think Big For Bigger Fishes

If you’ve ever gone on a fishing trip, you’re probably familiar with the fact that fish get attracted toward the bright sun. So did you ever think of using this light as bait rather than using worms?
Sounds a little crazy but it’s a proven trick. Just wrap a bit of foil paper around the fish hook, and you will notice how the fish get attracted to the glistening.

Aluminum Foil – A Painter’s Best Friend

Whether you are a professional artist or an amateur painter, some problem will remain common. The worst is losing the cap of a paint box which results in oxidation of the paint and makes it less than desirable.
Aluminum foil is convenient for creating caps. Fold a piece of foil and place it on the jar. The foil will prevent air contact, and the CO2 will eliminate oxidation.
The Aluminum foil is also ideal for crafting a temporary paint palette.

A Portable and Customizable Frying Pan

Everyone loves camping trips with friends. Most of all, we love it for bonfires and cooking. It comes with so much excitement that we often forget to pack essential things like a pan.
Well, you can buy a pan while traveling but there’s a better DIY hack. Well, the easy alternative is a roll of aluminum foil. Stack a few bits of the foil together, bend them, and your pan is ready for use.

Vinyl Tile Remedy

Vinyl tiles, especially the ones in bathrooms, have a habit of coming loose with time. It is not necessary to replace them or renovate the whole place for this small flaw.
Simply, stick the tile back in its place, cover it with aluminum foil and iron it. The heat will warm the adhesive and set the vinyl tile in its position.

Scan-Proof Credit Cards Cover

The RFID credit card is very useful in terms of convenience and quick payment. They don’t have a pin and you can pay by simply tapping them. However, the lack of pin also makes it vulnerable to unauthorized tappings.
So what can you do? You can use some foil. Make a small pouch of aluminum foil and place your card into it. The aluminum will act as a barrier for scanning and reading of the card data.

Professional Photography Hack

As a beginner photographer, the most annoying issue is the lighting. The thing is we don’t always have access to high-end flashes and have to compromise with underexposed images.
Don’t get disheartened; aluminum foil is here to help you. Wrap a few layers of this metal sheet around a piece of cardboard and use it for focusing all the ambient light to a single subject.

Dry Matchstick Containers

The discovery of fire was a revolutionary moment that changed humanity forever. But unlike our ancestors, we don’t have the time to produce fire with stones. We need something like a match stick, or rather a dry match stick.
A small ball of aluminum foil is ideal. It can keep the sticks dry for a long time, even in moist environments. So the next time you want to go camping, roll the matchsticks in aluminum ahead of time to prevent them from getting wet.

Ready to Use Scissor Filer

Remember the last time when your kitchen scissor got blunt, and you had to spend a long time trying to cut with them? Well, it won’t happen ever again, at least while you have some aluminum foil in your kitchen.
Next time, just grab some foil and start cutting it with the scissors. After a small duration of time, you will notice that the cuts start to become smoother.

Soap Bar Hack

Cleaning is a must. While it’s good to wash your hands a lot during the day, overusing your bar of soap comes at a price since the residue builds up and it becomes a soapy mess.
Let aluminum foil be an aide in this situation. A small strip of foil under the soap will keep the bar in shape and increase its duration. It will also absorb some harmful chemicals, making it gentler on the skin.

Effective Jewelry Cleaner

Every dress is incomplete without matching jewelry. Obviously, this jewelry needs to be clean and shiny, something which isn’t possible with regular loads of laundry.
Now, you can polish your jewelry in a professional way at home. Just place your jewelry into soapy water along with some aluminum foil. The shine of your jewelry will return in no time.
lexible Paint Brush Covers
Painting a whole room or an entire house in a single go is almost impossible. You will need to stop painting at some point of the day and take a break. Obviously, you don’t want to clean the brush every time you take a break.
Take a piece of aluminum foil and wrap it around the paintbrush before going for a break. The foil will have antifreeze qualities that help to maintain the consistency of the paint.

Solar Light Distributor for Gardens

Sun is the ultimate source of energy for all living things, so don’t restrict it to just plants. We know that you can’t sit under the sun all the time, but that doesn’t mean you can’t direct light to other things.
Take an attractive lamp or some beautiful hanging light piece and attach some aluminum foil to it. Adjust the foil in a way that it can balance the light and distribute it. You can direct the natural light to your sitting arrangement or any other part of the garden.

Interactive Cake Decors

Have you ever seen the beautifully decorated cakes at the baker’s shop and wondered how they do it? Is there a way to create those decorative flowers and embellishments at home?
Honestly, we can’t help with the first question, but we do have something for the second part. Cut, wrap or do whatever you want to get the desired shape from a sheet of foil paper. Coat them with some cream, paints or icing and your cake decoration is ready for use. Just, make sure that your guests don’t try to eat them!

Safe and Secure Hair Curlers

A hot curler is great for getting those curvy flanges of hairs, but it comes with its own risk. For instance, it can burn your hair and even your hands or even your forehead.
Fortunately, aluminum foil is a good conductor of heat, and a coat of it can help you avoid these destructive results. So, the next time you are styling for a party, use some layers of foil for safer and fast curling.

Homemade Stylus for Smartphones

Some people love to use a stylus for their touch screen phone. They usually spend a considerable amount an advanced smartphone pen. If they only knew about the properties of aluminum foil.
Stick some foil on the tip of a normal pen or a stick, and you can use it on the smartphone screen. So, the next time you decide to use a touch pen on your phone screen, don’t rush to the market, run to your kitchen instead

Rusty Chrome Cleaning Solutions

Chrome is a typical choice for adding extra shine and weather resistance to metal. However, it’s a metal, so it will lose its shine and become rusty at some stage, anyways.
A ball of aluminum foil will scrub away all the rust like a hot knife cuts a block of butter. Moreover, chrome is quite scratch resistant, so there is no risk of a scratched surface due to foil scrubbing.

A Cheap Alternative to Teflon Spray

It’s challenging to cook food like eggs or streak on sticky pans, especially if you are trying to avoid oil and butter. Apart from the food wastage, the sticky situation also leads to extra effort in cleaning the thing.
But wait what if you wrap the pan with aluminum foil? This way you can cook with zero stickiness and you won’t have to spend time cleaning the pan.

Keep Your Oven Clean

Protect your oven from inevitable spills by placing a few sections of aluminum foil on the rack, under whatever it is you’re baking. That way if you cook something that might bubble, it will prevent having to clean your oven every time.
Just don’t foil the actual floor of the oven, because it could cause a build-up of heat and warp the bottom of your appliance.

Protect Your Pie Crusts

Taking the time and energy needed to make a good pie is something to be taken seriously. No one wants to back a pie only to have the crusts fall apart or get warped in shape. The solution? Tin foil, of course.
When you finish making your next pie, wrap it around in tin foil. It will help keep the pastry warm and it will also help keep the shape and form of the pie!

Cake Pan Alternative

This is perfect for all those kid’s birthday parties where each one wants their own custom-made cake in the shape of a bunny rabbit or Dora the Explorer. All you need is some tin foil and some creativity.
Use some aluminum foil inside another baking pan and shape the outline of whatever cake you want to make. You might want to look at the picture of the desired shape while you’re doing it.

Freeze Those Leftovers

When it comes to freezing food like bread, meat, or fish, aluminum great for keeping all the smells and tastes for a long time. The foil traps all the particles inside, leaving the taste to last for weeks.
So, next time you put something in the freezer after cooking too much, don’t forget to wrap it in lots of aluminum foil. You’ll be thankful when you have leftovers to take out, and all you have to do is reheat them. 

Steel Wool Preserver
Steel wool is one of those things that once you use it, you can never go back. It’s a great tool to use when you clean your sink or dishes. It’s just annoying when it becomes all rusty after its first couple of uses.
When you see rust appear, don’t throw it out just yet. Try wrapping it in foil and putting it in the freezer. It can really increase the life of the steel wool and save you time and money in the future.

Keep Your Sleeping Bag Dry

You’re camping with your family, and you want to go to sleep after a long day. As it turns out, tight sleeping bags can cause extra sweating during the night. But you wouldn’t want that extra moisture to attract wildlife, like bears.
So the simple solution is to lay a long piece of tin foil under yourself when you go to bed in the tent. It will act as an insulator against any additional moisture. This way, you’ll get a good night’s sleep and wake up dry!

Roller Pan Liners

Cleaning paint rollers can be a pain, which is the reason why most of us buy disposable plastic liners or pans. But that’s expensive and bad for the environment. If you just make a metal roller pan with some aluminum foil, it can work just as well!
All you need to do is use a little foil as a pan next time you have to pain a room and throw it away after. You’ll save money in the long run now that you don’t have to buy a new one every time.

Prevent Skinning Paint

Those who like to do DIY projects around the house might be a little familiar with skinning paint. It’s what happens when builders leave cans of paint a bit open for a few days. The paint will solidify, causing a mess and sabotaging your next paint job.
If you’re faced with this, just cut some foil and put it in the can. Blow some air into it while you close the lid of the paint can – the carbon dioxide from your lungs will prevent oxidation!

Create a Platter

Maybe you just got a creative burst of energy and felt like baking something fun. But the problem is that you don’t have a big enough platter.
With aluminum foil, you can simply wrap some around cardboard. It’s as easy as that! And you’ll see how you can now present it the next time you make a bunch of stuff. And if your baked goods are fresh out of the oven, the foil will keep them warm!

Improve Outdoor Lighting

Not only do plants need lighting, but humans do too. We all need some extra light and especially if your front or back porch is too dark. If you think your outdoor space could use a little ramping up, put some foil outside.
You can make a fancy decoration, and play around with it in a way that balances the light in a nice way. Stick it down with tape and see how lovely your garden just lightened up!

Untangle Your Plant Cuttings

Once you’ve used the hack to successfully place foil around your seeds and your plant is growing, you’re going to need another hack to deal with the cuttings! This means you’re one step closer to being a proud owner of a beautiful plant.
Part of being a plant owner is dealing with your plant when it grows strong. Place the plants in a container covered with foil and poke some holes in it. It will keep the water in its place for longer and reduce the need to water it so much.

Protecting Tree Trunks

Having trees in your garden can be a blessing and a curse. Rabbits, mice, and even foxes can use the bark of trees as food and shelter during the winter, which causes problems in the tree’s development.
When it’s that time of year when you look outside and think, ‘Winter Is Coming,’ you might want to wrap some tin foil around the base of the tree trunk. You can remove it once Spring comes back.

Pressure Cooker Lifter

If you have a pressure cooker, you might know that placing and lifting bowls in and out of it can be dangerous. Aluminum foil is perfect for lifting things safely without scalding your hands and arms.
What you need is a piece of foil the size of your bowl with an extra eight or so inches. You’ll be making a sort of sling to lift out the bowl with your makeshift aluminum handles. Fold the handles down when cooking.

If You Ever Need to Scare Birds

As it turns out, some birds are scared of shiny things. If you have a fruit tree that you need to protect, you can dangle some aluminum foil from the tree.
It will be a deterrent for those birds that just want to feast on those fruits. All the light-sensitive pests will want to steer clear of your shiny tree.

Fight Static

Word on the street is that using dryer sheets can leave a chemical layer on the things you use them with. And when it comes to towels, it compromises absorbency. You can switch from dryer sheets to balled up pieces of aluminum foil instead.
You just toss the foil ball into the dryer and let the magic of foil do its thing. You can also use a tennis ball to speed the drying time, too, by the way.

Wifi Signal Booster

Is your internet connection slower than you would like it to be? Here’s what you do: fold some tin foil into a parabolic dish if you want to boost your wifi signal from your router.
Sure, it can look strange, but sometimes you have to do what you have to do in order to see cats on YouTube at high speed.

Easy and Effective Wet Bed Prevention System

The trick of using a layer of foil paper between the bed sheet and mattress sounds weird, but it’s very effective. This trick is particularly useful for homes with young kids who still wet the bed. You can also use it to avoid mattress damages due to spilled liquids.
A layer of aluminum will act as waterproofing for the mattress and locks all the wetness away from it. If you think that crispy sound and study layer will cause uncomfortable sleep, use a soft towel to cover the foil. The absorbent fiber will get ruined with time, but it’s better than running the whole mattress.

Wrinkles Clothes-Not a Problem

A crisp collar and smooth surface of the shirt is enough to make an impression at any event. Unfortunately, it never lasts much longer. With regular usage and ironing, the clothing soon develops some wrinkles that are very difficult to remove, especially if the ironing base is not that smooth.
Well, the perfect solution for it is, right there on your shelf. Grab some aluminum foil, wrap it under your cloth and there you go. The metal will absorb heat from the boiling hot iron, giving you a crisp surface in no time.

Stop Aliens Reading From Your Mind

This is for the more paranoid among us. Do you know all those movies that show how aliens can come to Earth and read our minds? There are a number of conspiracy theorists who wear foil to protect themselves from such dangers.
Considering how much you loved these aluminum foil hacks, we thought we could move on to another super handy household staple that has tons of hidden uses. Saran wrap, ladies and gentlemen!
Next, all the hacks you never thought of for plastic wrap.

Poached Eggs

You can make poached eggs in little pouches made out of plastic wrap. What you do is drop the pouches in boiling water and cut them open to serve. Line a tiny cup with plastic wrap and coat it in oil. Crack an egg inside, gather up the sides, and twist it into a pouch, then tie it up.
Drop the pouches into boiling water to cook and when they’re ready just cut the wrap with scissors and serve.

A Tablet Protector

Like many of us these days, using a tablet is the new cookbook. It’s so much easier to watch a tutorial on how to cook something online than to read a cookbook. But that means your tablet might get all messy.
All you have to do is wrap your device with saran wrap, and it will be the protective layer you need. Oh, and the best part is that your touchscreen will still work! 

Organize Jewelry
When moving, packing can be a real headache. And if you have jewelry, it’s an added nightmare. You can’t just throw it all in a box because it will take you years to untangle it.
Next time you move, lay out some plastic wrap. Lay your jewelry on top of it, and press another sheet of on top of the jewelry and on the bottom of it. This is going to keep your jewelry in place and not slide around.

Protect Clothes From Liquids

It happens sometimes when you travel somewhere where you gain elevation, in which anything liquid will explode from the pressure and pretty much get all over your clothes and whatever you’re around.
There’s a great solution for this rare, yet serious, occasion. Take the lids off the bottles of the substance, then place a piece of saran wrap over the top and screw the lid back on. It’ll prevent the liquid from spilling out. 

Marbled Nail Polish  
 If you want to get a cool nail polish style without going to the salon, you should try this hack. Start by painting your nails a base color. Then, once your nails are completely dry, paint over them with a new color.
While the top coat is still wet, crumble up some saran wrap and place it on top of your nails. When you remove it, you’ll see the marbled effect. Not too bad!
If you want to see some more household item hacks, see the next photos!

Ice Cubes in the Dryer

You can forget the iron or steamer by using ice cubes in the dryer instead if you want to get wrinkles out of your clothes. Put two or three ice cubes in the dryer with one or two pieces of clothing and then place it on the hottest setting.
The ice melts and turns into steam, which gets the wrinkles out. This trick isn’t so effective with heavier clothing, but it works wonders on lighter fabrics. The best part is that you only need to set the dryer for about 10 minutes or so.

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