Sunday, November 1, 2015

Various Uses of Egg-shells !

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 A household abrasive
Use crushed eggshells and soapy water to clean the insides of containers, as well as pots and pans. Simply put the solution into the container and shake it well. Oh, and it’s eco-friendly.
 Clean your drain
 Consider keeping some crushed eggshells in your sink’s strainer – they’ll add another level of straining, and as they break down, they keep the drain and pipes clean.
Help seedlings grow
Fill shell halves with soil and add your choice of seeds, place in an egg carton and let it grow. Once the seedlings are ready, transplant them with the shell in your garden to give them fertile ground to start from.
Take the edge out of coffee
 If your coffee tastes too bitter, just add a clean, dry eggshell to your filter. The shells contain calcium carbonate, which neutralizes the acidity in the coffee, thus reducing both the bitterness and acidity levels in the coffee.
 Compost enhancer
Eggshells break down rapidly in compost piles, adding some much-needed calcium to the mix. Add the coffee grounds from #5 for even better results.

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